
Carlos Maltzahn retired from UC Santa Cruz on December 15, 2023. He was the founder and director of the UC Santa Cruz Center for Research in Open Source Software (CROSS) and the Open Source Program Office (OSPO) UC Santa Cruz. He also co-founded the Systems Research Lab, known for its cutting-edge work on programmable storage systems, big data storage & processing, scalable data management, distributed system performance management, and practical reproducible evaluation of computer systems. Carlos joined UC Santa Cruz in 2004, after five years at Netapp working on network-intermediaries and storage systems. In 2005 he co-founded and became a key mentor on Sage Weil’s Ceph project. In 2008 Carlos became a member of the computer science faculty at UC Santa Cruz and has graduated ten Ph.D. students since. Carlos graduated with a M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Colorado at Boulder.

His work was funded by nonprofits, government, and industry, including DOE ASCR DE-AC52-07NA27344 (subcontract B661322 under master agreement B654505, subcontractor of Lawrence Livermore National Lab), DOE HEP DE-SC0023527, NSF TI-2229773, NSF OAC-2226407, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation G-2021-16957, DOE ASCR DE-NA0003525 (FWP 20-023266, subcontractor of Sandia National Labs), NSF OAC-1836650, NSF CNS-1764102, NSF CNS-1705021, DOE ASCR DE-SC0016074, NSF OAC-1450488, and CROSS

For more details, you can read his vitae.

Administrative Staff

Research Staff

Current Ph.D. Students

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Google Scholar: by year, by citations

Open Source Program Office - UC Santa Cruz
Making a university infrastructure for amplifying research impact.
Reproducible Dependency Management
Making builds reproducible.
Making storage & network layers manage data.
Declarative Programmable Storage
Making programmable storage manageable.
Eusocial Storage Devices
Making storage devices act collectively.
Programmable Storage Systems
Making storage abstractions scale over heterogeneous storage media.
Reproducible Evaluation of Systems
Making delivery of systems research more efficient.
Big Weather Web
Making a community infrastructure for reproducible numerical weather prediction.
Center for Research in Open Source Software
Making a university infrastructure for bridging the gap between student research and open source projects.
Scalable Storage System Simulation
Making storage system models.
Research Statement (2009)
Making Associate Adjunct in 2010.


Person Lecturing

Spring’19: CMPS 229 (Storage Systems)
(blog, overview, schedule, canvas)

Winter’19: CMPS 107 (Open Source Programming)
(overview, google classroom)

Spring’17: CMPS 229 (Storage Systems)
(blog, overview, schedule, google classroom)

Winter ’17: CMPS 107 (Open Source Programming)
(overview, google classroom)

Winter ’16: CMPS 107 (Open Source Programming)
(overview, google classroom)

Fall ’15: CMPS 232 (Distributed Systems)
(blog, overview, schedule)

Spring ’15: CMPS 232 (Distributed Systems)
(blog, overview, schedule)

Spring ’14: CMPS 229 (Storage Systems)
(blog, overview, schedule, speakers)

Winter ’13: CMPS 290S (Big Data Systems)
(blog, overview, schedule, speakers)

Fall ’12: CMPS 229 (Storage Systems)
(blog, overview, schedule, speakers)

Fall ’10: CMPS 290S (Coalescing Analysis & Storage)
(blog, overview, schedule, speakers)

Fall ’08: CMPS 290S (Active Storage)
(blog, overview, schedule, speakers)

Winter ’07: CMPS 229 (Storage Systems)
(blog, overview, schedule, speakers)

CMPS 280S: Systems Research Seminar



Baskin Engineering 2
Room 369 (directions)
Hours: By appointment (calendar)

Phone: +1 (831) 459-1627

Public key: 1430E52A

Campus Directory

  • 1156 High St, MS:SOE3, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
  • Enter Engineering 2 building, take the elevator to the third floor, walk to the north hallway (as you exit the elevators, turn left) and turn right/east and walk almost to the end of the hallway until you see 369 on the left (see also these directions).